Intro to FAM Masterclass
Take control of your fertility + become more in tune with your body: perfect for preventing pregnancy or making babies!

What is FAM and who is it for?

FAM stands for Fertility Awareness Method and it is essentially a method of contraception OR conception where a woman monitors various fertility signs during her cycle to determine her fertile window (aka the 5-7 day period she is likely to get pregnant)

If you’re like “okay but… does it ACTUALLY work?” - LET ME SPILL THE DEETS 👏🏼
I teach my gals the symptothermal method - meaning that they learn to track things like BBT (basal body temperature), CM (cervical mucus), and vaginal sensation
This method has been shown to have a perfect use of 99.4% and a typical use of 98.2%
So to give you a point of reference, the hormonal birth control pill has been shown to have a perfect use of 99.7% and a typical use of 91%
Flip that around - we’ve also got an incredibly helpful tool for GETTING pregnant as well 🤰 Some of my absolute favorite wins are when my clients who were trying to conceive send me a pic of those positive pregnancy tests *cue the tears*
Aside from FAM being a great too whether you’re TTC or TTA, it can also tell us a lot about our hormone health such as if we’re making enough progesterone or give us clues into your PMS symptoms.
Because I’m not hormonal birth control’s biggest fan 🙃 - I get asked a LOT what I practice as a method of contraception, and FAM is it! We’ve been practicing this method for years and I’ve never felt more connected to my body or my cycle 🩸✨

In this masterclass you will learn...

  • How to accurately track your BBT + what tools to use
  • ​How to understand the different types of cervical fluid and what they indicate
  • How to chart your body's biological signs
  • How to determine when you're close to your fertile window
  • How to confirm that you have ovulated
  • How to discuss FAM with your partner
  • ​How the sympto-thermal method can be used to avoid or facilitate pregnancy


When is the masterclass?
Tuesday, April 27th at 6pm EST
Can I catch the recording?
Yes! But I recommend joining live so that you can ask your questions in the moment.
Who is this for?
Womxn who want a natural method of hormonal birth control or want a guide trying to achieve pregnancy (so many of my clients have had success getting pregnant using FAM!)
How long is this class?
About an 1.5-2 hours, the content itself usually takes around an hour and Q+A at the end can take a while!
Do I need to be off of HBC already to do this class?
Nope! It may actually be really helpful to have this info even before you get off of HBC.
What if my partner isn’t on board?
Your SO is welcome to join us for the class but I also provide a handout that is specifically designed for male partners and what they need to know about FAM!
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